
Personal blog of Joseph, co-founder of With a focus on node and javascript development, blockchain and photography.

Progress Report on Chief Delegate Candidacy

March 09, 2023 🍿 2 min read

This progress report gives an overview of the work done as a Chief Delegate of Eden. The report covers a period of several months since my election and focuses on various tasks related to the EOS community, Eden promotion, and marketing operations. The report includes details on work done during and after my CD term, funded by the DAO

Solve issue with web3js not functioning on GatsbyJS

October 11, 2021 🍿 4 min read

This guide will help you solve error such as: Can't resolve 'assert' in... | Can't resolve 'crypto' in eth-lib/lib... | that cause the page or site based on GatsbyJS not to build when trying to interact with a blockchain API.

Answers to the HUMAN Quiz on

June 09, 2021 🍿 1 min read

In this post you'll find all the answers to the Quiz/questionnaire from Coinlist for the Human Sale. What is HUMAN Protocol built for? What networks are HUMAN Protocol built for? What is the sale mechanism for the HUMAN sales?

Answers to the EFINITY Quiz on

June 07, 2021 🍿 1 min read

In this post you'll find all the answers to the Quiz/questionnaire from Coinlist for the Efinity Sale. Which is the team behind Efinity? What is Efinity built on? How many tokens are allocated to the CoinList sale?

Answers to the SWARM Quiz on

June 07, 2021 🍿 1 min read

In this post you'll find all the answers to the Quiz/questionnaire from Coinlist for the Swarm Sale. What is Swarm built on? What is the technical paper describing the overall vision of Swarm? Who participates in Swarm’s fair data economy?

Ultimate guide to undervolt Ryzen 5000 zen 3 CPUs

March 06, 2021 🍿 7 min read

This guide helps you undervolt your new Ryzen 5600x 5800x 5900x 5950x CPUs. Undervolting is extremely useful to lower down heat produced by the processor but as you'll come to learn with Ryzen 5000 and PBO you will also get a performance boost.

Solve iPhone bug - WiFi is turned off for [application]

October 24, 2020 🍿 2 min read

This guide helps you solve an iPhone bug that turns off your WiFi data for certain applications. This includes many native applications such as the Mail app or Weather app. It also blocks many third-party applications you would like to use on WiFi Data such as Telegram.

Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) stack

July 12, 2020 🍿 6 min read

This is a super simple guide to get you up and running with LEMP on top of Centos OS. LEMP is a combination of NGINX, MySQL and PHP. This is particularly useful if you're planning to create a Wordpress site and build up your own environment. Since Wordpress is running on PHP and MySQL.

Add SSL/HTTPS on a site powered by Linux

July 12, 2020 🍿 2 min read

This guide gives an overview on how to secure your Linux powered website with SSL/HTTPS. This was used to secure a WordPress site with Certbot Let's Encrypt client in your system.